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Work Experience
2003 - Present · 21 years and 11 months
Lab Leader Laser Sensors Lab
2015 - Present · 9 years and 11 months
2003 - Present · 21 years and 11 months
technische universität berlin optisches institut
Postdoc Und Habilitand
Jul 1993 - Jun 1997 · 3 years and 11 months
Company Details
The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH) is an application-oriented research institute in the fields of high-frequency electronics, photonics, and quantum physics. It researches and realizes electronic and optical components, modules, and systems based on compound semiconductors. These devices are key enablers that address the needs of today’s society in fields like communications, energy, health, and mobility. Specifically, FBH develops light sources from the visible to the ultra-violet spectral range: high-power diode lasers with excellent beam quality, UV light sources and hybrid laser modules. Applications range from medical technology, high-precision metrology and sensors to optical communications in space and integrated quantum technology. In the field of microwaves, FBH develops high-efficiency multi-functional power amplifiers and millimeter wave frontends targeting energy-efficient mobile communications, industrial sensing and imaging as well as car safety systems. In addition, compact atmospheric microwave plasma sources operating with economic low-voltage drivers and laser drivers are fabricated for use in a variety of applications. The FBH is a center of competence for III-V compound semiconductors covering the full range of capabilities, from design through fabrication to device characterization. Within Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland), FBH joined forces with 12 other German research institutes, thus offering the complete micro and nanoelectronics value chain as a one-stop-shop. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association.
Year Founded
Social Media
Research Services, Ores, heavy metal, Ores and minerals, Minerals, Cerium and thorium ores and minerals, Elektronik-Entwicklung, Laser-Systeme, kundenspezifische, LED-Chips, Audio-Vorverstärker, UV-LED
HQ Location
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 4 Berlin, Berlin 12489, DE
iode laserspower electronicsiode laser modulesmicrowave devicesIII-V semiconductor technologiesUV LEDsGaN diode lasersmicrowave transistors & mmicsintegrated quantum technologyquantum sensors
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