The HSG-Center for Aviation Competence is an independent institution of the University of St.Gallen. We provide services and training courses in basic and advanced aviation. We provide service projects, such as market research and studies, using the knowledge that has been generated through research, publications and the experience of our specialist councils, partners and our managing director.
Today, the center is managed by the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance. Dr. Andreas Wittmer runs the CFAC-HSG's administrative office. The specialist council is made up of Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser (IMP-HSG), Prof. Dr.Thomas Geiser (FAA-HSG), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle (LOG-HSG), Prof. Dr. Karl Frauendorfer (ior/cf-HSG), Prof. Dr. Winfried Rugirok, Prof. Dr. Stefan Morkötter (SIG-HSG) and the president Prof. Dr. Roland Müller.
The competence center primarily operates in the business areas of research, training and services. In research, the center supervises doctoral, masters and bachelors theses on aviation topics. We publish our own articles in the most renowned aviation journals.In basic and advanced training, the center aims to have its courses adopted by the HSG and incorporated into the range of training programs offered by the University of St. Gallen. The initial negotiations for Diploma degree courses and an EMBA in aviation management have already taken place.In the third area, services, the CFAC focuses on the acquisition of various projects and studies. The CFAC allocates these assignments to its highly qualified participating institutes for completion. Efforts are made to encourage different institutes to work on projects in collaboration.