Since 2012, L'Atelier Animation has been located in the heart of the Mile-End neighborhood in Montreal. Specializing in 3D animation for feature films and television series, and with successful titles under its belt, the studio has distinguished itself from its competitors due to the quality of its projects, as well as the passion and creativity of its artists, technicians, and managers.
In 2022, L'Atelier Animation joined the Cinesite family and continues to promote innovation and creativity among its artists. The studio offers constantly evolving, inclusive, and engaging career opportunities, which still sets it apart to this day.
Animation and Post-production, Motion Picture and Video Industries, Information
HQ Location
5605 avenue de Gaspé
Montreal, Quebec H2T 2A4, CA
Films animation 3D-CGIsoccer footballfootball moviefilm immerses spectatorsfilm immersessoccer football movie