INVENT. MTE develops protein ingredients that transform the texture of alternative meat. Our unique IP is in industrial extrusion processes and related protein treatment. Our products perfectly mimic and enhance the sensation of meat.
PRODUCE. The company was founded in 2020 by the highest ranking technologists in Israel’s food industry and by 2021 submitted its first patent. Joined by world-class data scientists, protein engineers, and mechanical engineers, MTE introduces industry-oriented solutions into food mass production. Collaborating with leading multinational food companies, MTE was selected by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology as one of 2020’s most promising start-ups.
GROW. Consumers are curious about today’s meat alternatives, but they aren’t happy with them. They crave something closer to meat. Our products beat market leaders because texture is key to consumer satisfaction. Offering a meaty experience indistinguishable from the real thing, MTE’s TextMeat™ technology provides a solution for businesses looking to increase customer retention, rise above their competition, and grow in organic sales.