The New Normal is a charity that connects adults through their experience of grief and mental health.
Our mission is to provide space for adults who are struggling with life’s difficult moments, particularly bereavement, to discuss these issues through non- judgemental peer to peer group support.
At TNN, we believe that 'if there is one, there is two': no one person is ever alone, and there is always somebody who will relate to your story.
Less than 5 years since our first meeting, and only 3 years since we became a charity, The New Normal have delivered over 760 peer support meetings with almost 7,000 participant attendances from around the world.
We also provide tailored training and guidance for existing local community organisations, empowering them to deliver peer support that is free, accessible and led by peers from their community.
If you are interested in supporting or collaborating with us, please get in touch - we would love to have a conversation!