Webloyalty is a leading premium shopping programme provider, working with over 200 online retailers internationally to help them build stronger, more profitable, relationships with their customers.
Through our membership programmes, we help our online retail partners’ customers save hundreds of pounds a year while providing the partner with an additional secondary revenue stream.
Webloyalty was established in the UK in 2007 and has since expanded into France, Spain, Brazil, Poland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Mexico and Belgium.
Webloyalty, expert international reconnu, a déjà permis à plus de 200 sites partenaires prescripteurs dans le monde de générer des millions d’euros supplémentaires, tout en incitant leurs clients au ré-achat.
Webloyalty, líder internacional en el sector, ya ha generado millones de euros adicionales a más de 200 tiendas online asociadas en todo el mundo, a la vez que ha incitado a sus clientes a la recompra.