Bela Nagy
Director Of Golf at Indian River County Mpo
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Work Experience
Director Of Golf
Oct 1995 - Present · 29 years and 2 months
Company Details
The Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), formed in April 1993, is a legislative agency responsible for transportation planning in the urbanized area of Indian River County. It has the power to develop and adopt plans and to set priorities for the programming of improvements to the County's transportation system. The MPO consists of eleven voting members representing the local governments within the County, two non-voting representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and a non-voting representative from the Town of Orchid. Funding is through a Joint Participation Agreement for Federal PL/Section 112 funding. This is an agreement between FDOT and the MPO, which provides for the pass through of these federal funds. Dollars are approved on an annual basis. The percentage of Federal, State and local dollars varies from year to year. Two advisory committees provide direction and recommendations to the MPO Board. These are the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). The TAC provides technical expertise to the MPO Board regarding matters to be considered by the MPO and on planning issues being undertaken by MPO staff. The CAC provides citizen input into the MPO planning process and ensures a high degree of public involvement in that process. Another advisory committee, the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, meets on an as-needed basis to advise the MPO regarding bicycle and pedestrian issues.
Year Founded
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Government Administration
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