Created by its members as a joint-action agency in 1977, Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) generates and sells reliable wholesale electricity to its 18 non-profit, municipally-owned member utilities, and develops innovative products and services to help them deliver value to their customers.
Though SMMPA member utilities are located throughout the state, most are in southern Minnesota. SMMPA members serve over 96,000 residential customers and over 12,300 commercial and industrial customers.
The Agency's main source of electricity is its 41% share of the 884 MW Sherco 3 coal-fired generator near Becker, MN. The Agency's energy resource mix also includes various renewable energy sources such as wind, biodiesel and waste-to-energy, and an array of intermediate and peaking units owned by our Member utilities.
Utilities, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
HQ Location
500 First Avenue Southwest
Rochester, Minnesota 55902-3303, US
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