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About Barbara Godsey
Barbara Godsey is Teacher at St. John's Episcopal School in united states. St. John's Episcopal School is a Primary and Secondary Education company in 240 South Plant Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33606, US with 28 employees
Located in the heart of Tampa, St. John's Episcopal School delivers an unparalleled, values-driven, progressive education for children in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Populated by a rich variety of individuals from increasingly diverse religious, cultural, and economic backgrounds, St. John’s is the region’s oldest Episcopal school. Distinguished by 70 years of demonstrated success, we prepare children for lives of learning and service. We hold an uncompromising belief in the potential of children and the sanctity of childhood. We believe that education has a higher purpose, one our faculty and staff are compelled to serve. Hard work, faith, respect, honesty, and a commitment to excellence allow our graduates to thrive in high school, college, and beyond. A feeling of positive energy, inclusiveness, optimism, respect and kindness permeates the school. Without exception, St. John’s students are Empowered to Lead, Inspired to Serve.
Values-driven educationProgressive educationPreparing children for learning and serviceEmpowering leadershipInstilling values such as hard work, faith, respect, honesty, and excellence