Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative.
We were built on the "People Helping People" philosophy and that remains true today. Our mission is to provide quality services to meet the financial needs of our members. We are committed to serving our members' needs both today and in the future. Learn more about how Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union was formed and the benefits you can expect as a member.We offer great rates on savings and loans, free or low cost financial products and friendly, personal service.
Our doors are open to anyone who lives, works, worships, volunteers or attends school in Atlantic or Cape May counties. In addition, family members of existing members are also eligible to join the credit union. A family member is defined as a brother, sister, parent, grandparent, spouse, child or grandchild.
Banking, Banks & Financial Services
HQ Location
1434 New Road
Northfield, New Jesey 08225, US
Low Loan Rates - Conumer and Mortgage LoansFree Home bankingSavings accounts for all agesBranches Nationwide and Free ATM'sMember ServiceShares AccountsChecking AccountsJersey Shore Credit CarCommunity Involvement