Gas Chemical Complex based on MTO technology
The world's largest plant for the production of polymer products based on MTO (Methanol to Olefin) technology, which enables the processing of natural gas with a low content of valuable components.
Polymer products with a volume of 730 thousand tons are designed to provide the domestic demand of the Republic of Uzbekistan with raw materials for the production of demanded high added value products.
Purified and dried natural (commercial) gas enters the Methanol Production Unit (MeOH), where it is first converted to synthesis gas and then into methanol. Pure oxygen from the Air Separation Unit is used to produce syngas.
Methanol is then sent to MTO (Methanol to Olefin) - the Gas Chemical Complex's key unit, where the process of catalytic cracking of methanol into olefins takes place.
Light olefins (ethylene and propylene) are further polymerized into low-density polyethylene, ethylene vinyl acetate, polyethylene terephthalate and polypropylene.
The choice of MTO technology is based on the specific composition of natural gas produced on the territory of Uzbekistan, representing mainly methane with a minimum content of heavy components.