What is FyrSyd?
FyrSyd is a network of Creator Labs.
What is a Creator Lab?
Creator Labs are spaces dedicated to help people become creators.
What is a Creator?
A Creator is a person who makes products. Products are useful things that other people need. People buy useful things.
Why become a Creator?
Becoming a Creator is every person's responsibility. When more people in every city are creators, more products made in that city are available in the city. This makes every city's economy local.
What is a Local economy?
A local economy is one whose needs are met by its own supply. For example, if Lucknow people make all the things that people in Lucknow need, then Lucknow is a local economy.
Why is it important for an economy to be a Local Economy?
A Local Economy does not require things being made in another faraway country.
It is extremely inefficient to produce things far away from the point of consumption.
This reduces Lucknow's carbon footprint because costs and pollution from long distance logistics are eliminated.
Logistics costs are 15% of every cost. In a Local economy, better quality products can be enjoyed by customers for a lesser price too.
When other people in other places are producing for your needs, people in your city are being deprived of the opportunity to work and earn.
Money from your city goes out. Your city becomes poorer. This is comparable to how the British took away wealth from India.
Add your Creator Lab to FyrSyd
Adding a Creator Lab makes your city's economy local and circular.
A Creator Lab...