At AllonGuide, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the surgical experience through cutting-edge implant solutions. Our computer-guided surgery streamlines procedures, ensuring a smoother and more satisfying experience for both you and your patients. Trust us to provide a simple, cost-effective, and highly effective solution.
AllonGuide can be used by restorative dentists, oral surgeons, and other dental team members involved in a case.
Our HIPAA-compliant interface makes it both simple and secure to upload your DICOM, model, wax-up .stl files, and work order. No registration needed for this step.
Due to our ideology that gives importance to the prosthesis, your case will remain effortless even with the final prosthesis.
We eliminate anatomical complications through professional implant planning, making surgery efficient and predictable.
AllonGuide minimize surgery time, discomfort, and healing time by offering less invasive implant surgery.
Our professional team is available for easy and fast communication and technical support
Since we are a technology-based company, we provide solutions to create or order a surgical guide for ANY case. We suggest the ideal software solution for you, based on your requirements! All on X, Immediate Surgery, Soft Tissue or Bone Supported Guide, Bone Reduction Guide, Hybrid Surgical Guides, Magnetic Stackable Guides, Magnetic Attachment Obturators, Zygomatic and Pterygoid Surgical Guides … We can do it.