The Kids Research Institute Australia is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Drawing on three decades of cutting-edge discoveries, preventative treatment and the quest for cures for the most baffling childhood diseases, The Kids’ purpose is to find solutions to improve the health and happiness of children and young people everywhere.
Led by Executive Director Professor Jonathan Carapetis, The Kids is based at Perth Children's Hospital in Nedlands, Western Australia and with offices around WA and in South Australia.
At The Kids, we do research differently. We work hard to find solutions to important problems, but that’s not enough. Our job is not done until that solution is changing young lives for the better.
Our Vision
Happy healthy kids.
Our Purpose
To find solutions to improve the health and happiness of children and young people.
Our Mission
To improve the health, development and lives of children and young people through excellence in research and the application of that knowledge.
Our Values
Our values underpin how we work and make decisions. We value:
• Collaboration
• Courage
• Evidence
• Respect