Soapbox is a creative studio for ideas that matter. We partner with forward-thinking organisations to turn knowledge and evidence into social progress. We are designers, web developers, writers, thinkers, storytellers and problem-solvers. We are passionate about the power of ideas and evidence to build a better world.
We believe that our clients’ work drives progress towards a fairer, more peaceful and more sustainable society. Helping them communicate in clearer, more imaginative ways helps inspire better policy decisions, fuels social action, and leads to a more balanced and inclusive public debate, improving outcomes for all of us.
Since our founding in 2008, we’ve worked exclusively with policy, research and advocacy organisations. That means we have an unrivalled understanding of the work our clients do and the contribution it makes to driving positive change. We know a lot about the people you want to talk to, what they need, and how the information and resources you produce fit into their decisions.
Clients include: Chatham House, the World Resources Institute, UNICEF, the World Bank, ODI, United Nations University, the Health Foundation; Oxford University and the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Services include: website design and development, publication design and typesetting, infographic design, brand strategy and identity, exhibition and event space design, animation and film making, content strategy , communications strategy, copywriting and editorial, user research and co-creation.