We inspire all girls to build confidence and make intentional decisions, while fostering care and compassion for self and others. Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills in every girl while encouraging healthy habits for life.
GIRLS ON THE RUN (Grades 3-5)
Our 3rd-5th grade program, Girls on the Run, encourages girls of all abilities to recognize their individual strengths and celebrate connections with others. Our tested curriculum blends physical activity with skill development that enables girls to adapt to whatever comes their way. In today’s unpredictable world, the strategies learned at Girls on Run are more important than ever.
HEART & SOLE (Grades 6-8)
Heart & Sole is Girls on the Run's middle school program that meets the unique needs of girls in 6th-8th grade. The program considers the whole girl – body, brain, heart, spirit and social connection. Girls need an inclusive place where they feel supported and inspired to explore their emotions, cultivate empathy and strengthen their physical and emotional health.
Girls on the Run believes that all girls and communities should have access to our programs. We warmly welcome the participation of any child who identifies as “girl,” non-binary or gender expansive in our programs. We strive to eliminate barriers to participation, to continue creating programming that engages all communities, to be intentional about staff and volunteer diversity and to promote a culture of inclusion across the organization.