In the face of life's unexpected twists, including being a school shooting survivor, Erin Harris founded Un/do, a non-profit dedicated to equipping students, educators, and their support networks with essential skills for resilience and adaptability. Erin's journey began with a profound realization that students needed tools to navigate trauma and manage emotions. She identified a gap in her local school system, where vital skills were missing, and saw a challenge with reactive mental health systems.
Un/do's mission is clear: to provide nationwide access to emotional resilience and well-being programs, starting in Colorado. Their curriculum is grounded in best practices and trauma-informed education, empowering students to confidently face life's challenges and build grit and emotional maturity. With 35 unique skills delivered through proactive support, Un/do addresses critical mental health issues, promoting equity by ensuring access for all K-12 students through virtual learning.
Un/do goes beyond students, supporting schools with free professional development, support system training, and curriculum design. Erin Harris and Un/do envision a world where resilience and emotional maturity are the foundation for every child's future. Join us in empowering tomorrow's leaders with grit, emotional maturity, and proactive responses to life's challenges.