The Mathematics, Actuarial, and Statistics Student Association is a student-run association representing all undergraduate students with minors, majors, specializations, and honours in any Mathematics, Actuarial, or Statistics program offered at Concordia University. These programs include:
• Honours/Specialization in Actuarial Mathematics
• Specialization in Actuarial Mathematics & Finance
• Specialization in Mathematical and Computational Finance
• Honours/Specialization in Pure and Applied Mathematics
• Honours/Specialization in Statistics
• Major in Mathematics and Statistics
• Joint Major in Mathematics and Statistics and Computer Applications
• Minor in Mathematics and Statistics
MASSA strives to enhance our student body's university experience by providing a variety of services, such as a tutoring pool and a job bank catered towards students in the department, and by organizing academic and social events that bring everyone together outside of the classroom.
The 2022-2023 Executive Team:
PRESIDENT - Elina Kong-Sar
VP FINANCE - Olivia Mirijello
VP ACADEMIC - Shadia Tavakoli-Saravani
VP INTERNAL - Efstathia Maragou
VP EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - Philip Delgado-Tribout
VP SOCIAL - Jérémy Tremblay