Operating under AUGP Global Peace Foundation Inc USA, AUGP UN University is a global Think tank with a primary focus of helping scholars carry out doctoral research into Peace and Conflict studies and build competencies of peace activists worldwide. It is Headquartered in New Jersey, supported by a panel of Experts and Advisors with one residential campus and research Centres in over 15 countries. We are legally incorporated in USA Registration No. 6815639, an affiliate of The American Diplomatic Mission of International Relations-Intergovernmental Organization. ADMIR brings together all 190 Countries and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the World. In addition, it has been granted permanent observer status to many Countries, as well as to the European Union (EU).
The university partners with many UGC-recognized universities including Unilogos, Kanpur University, Amity college, USA, Global University of Science and Technology -GUST , Pragyan University.