North Shore CDC invests in neighborhoods to create thriving communities. We envision a North Shore where every neighborhood is one of choice and opportunity.
We use our community-focused development model to invest resources into low-income or distressed neighborhoods on the North Shore to improve the quality of life for residents. We are committed to the community though affordable housing, economic and youth development, community engagement, and urban art.
We serve over 800 individuals, families, and children in more than 400 affordable apartments and over 3,000 individuals in our other programming.
We have installed over 75 Large Scale Murals in the areas that we serve.
Our Staff and Supporters volunteer over 10,000 hours in community service every year.
Non-profit Organizations, Human Resource Services
HQ Location
96 Lafayette Street, 2nd Floor
Salem, MA 01970, US
Affordable Housing DevelopmentNeighborhood RevitilizatioCommunity DevelopmentRegional AdvocacySustainableGreen HousingCommunity EngagementYouth Jobs ProgrammingProperty ManagementFamily Stability Programming