Civic Initiatives is a nationally recognized leader in public sector procurement review and transformation support, focusing on making public procurement a strategic asset.
►PROCUREMENT AS A SERVICE: Civic Initiatives help public sector clients make procurement a strategic asset. ("PaaS") is setting up functions that extend and enable the procurement shop.
Civic Initiatives serves procurement through operations and transformation projects. Civic Initiatives is a leading national public procurement consulting company with a comprehensive approach, a procurement consulting firm.
►WHAT WE DO: Civic Initiatives directly led public procurement transformation work in over 30 states. We are trusted by Chief Procurement Officers, Chief Information Officers, and Chief Administrative Officers across the United States and beyond. Areas of proven capabilities include:
🔎 Strategic Assessments: Including New Normal Design Exercises tailor-made for Public Procurement
⚙️ Capability Development: Reform policy, create programs, and teach staff new skills
💵 Strategic Sourcing Support: Program creation and execution
🛒 eProcurement: Definition, source selection, oversight, and implementation support
► CLIENTS: Civic Initiatives has supported over 100 procurement transformation projects in over 35 unique states. Contact Us for references and additional details.
Civic Initiatives actively provides acquisition support services through NASPO Value point, allowing public sector clients to obtain help rapidly through a nationally competitive contract. Civic Initiatives has more participating addendums and independent contracts than any other provider of similar services.
►INSIGHTS: Thought leadership on government operations topics GenAI
►LET'S TALK! Schedule with us via the contact info provided above, and learn more about our team of full-time procurement professionals at