Mizan is a publisher with a maintained reputation and a strong emphasis on high standards of quality. Since its inception in 1983, Mizan has become part of the dynamic development of literature and intellectuals in Indonesia, and has contributed in no small part in inspiring the growth of new publishers in recent decades.
As a publishing venture, Mizan strives to maintain a balance between the taste of the market and the responsibility to expand the horizon of society. We want to show the best work in all fields to answer the challenges of the time while remaining true to the believed values. We are open to information from any point of view a long it is presented on a responsible manner and beneficial to humanity.
At present, Mizan Pustaka is widely known in Indonesia as a publisher of high quality books on variety of important issues for Indonesians. Mizan Pustaka has 7 production lines, among others Mizan Khazanah Ilmu-Ilmu Islam (“Mizan the Treasure of Islamic Knowledge”, on the developments in Islamic thoughts), Mizan Kronik Zaman Baru (“Mizan Chronicles of the New Era”, on contemporary themes in various areas), Kaifa (practical knowledge and ‘how-to’), Qanita (on active and modern women themes in the developing country) and Mizania (popular Islamic thoughts and piety).