We are Feed Your Mind - an experiential & innovative E-learning platform for employees within organizations.
Our team of lecturers on the FYM platform worked for hours and hours to prepare online courses according to our "10X10 Methodology" (Ten lessons lasting up to 10 minutes) and the "Bite-Size Leaning (BSL) Methodology" which enables you and your employees to absorb quality content in an accessible-interactive way.
From our experience of training employees & managers in about 700 of the leading organziations in Israel and around the world, we have created a platform that combines a format of short purposeful courses that combine asynchronous learning with exercise and simulations in order to provide users with practical tools and ensure their success while being "on-demand".
Learning is a treasure that accompanies its owner everywhere and eternally. We invite you to give your teams a groundbreaking learning experience that will #Feed_their_Minds >> feedyourmind.online
Our Courses:
🌟 Storytelling - How to Effectively Prepare For Any Interaction
🌟 Building a Company Story
🌟 Storytelling in Employee Presentations
🌟 Visualtelling - How to Build a Winning Presentation
🌟 Personal Branding
🌟 Intercultural Intelligence
🌟 Leadership in the New Age
🌟 Emojitelling - Written Communication
🌟 Negotiations in a Challenging Reality
🌟 Work Remotely & Fly - Effectiveness in Remote Work
🌟 Linkedin - Your Professional Story
🌟 Creative Thinking - How to Become a Machine of Ideas
🌟 On the Productive Track