Wren Oil is the only company in WA that offers a truly environmental service, with the establishment of a re-refining process. Continuous technology and investment has ensured Wren Oil’s unique and effective recycling programme over a 30 year period.
Winners of the 2000 State 3R Awards. Wren Oil has implemented it’s strategies to achieve continual growth in capacity to match the projected growth in client industries..
For over 30 years Wren Oil has provided a committed service to its clients.
WA owned and operated, our customers are guaranteed a timely and responsive service, which is tailored to meet their individual circumstances.
Established in 1981, Wren Oil is proud of its Western Australian origins and its proven track record in the recycling and waste management industries.
In 2011 Wren Oil has completed construction of an export tank farm at the port in Bunbury. This vital tank infrastructure enabled recycled oil to be supplied into the world energy generation markets. Wren Oil is the only oil recycling company investing in projects for the future of Western Australia’s oil recycling infrastructure.
While there have been a range of proposals put forward by various industry participants only Wren Oil have actually invested in the “Industry Solution”
By utilising Wren Oil’s services, your company reduces the demand on natural resources and supports a waste processing system focused on recycling rather than disposal.