Designing the electrical enclosure should not be the last thing you think about.
Nema Enclosures designs and fabricates quality UL rated electrical and instrument enclosures to your exact specs & that meet your lead times. We believe that by thinking about your enclosure needs while you’re configuring what goes into it will save you time, money and frustration.
Here are the 5 steps to our simple ordering process:
1. Rating
NEMA, IP, ATEX, IECex and UL standards are designed to reduce safety hazards and to ensure consistent product performance. It’s important to know where your enclosure will be used before you specify one.
2. Type
Wall-mounted electrical enclosures are suitable for applications from housing components indoors to protecting your sensitive equipment in areas that may be exposed to extremely wet environmental conditions. Free-standing and floor-mount enclosures for systems incorporating large components or complex mounting configurations. Junction boxes built to meet Joint Industrial Council (JIC) standards and guidelines to ensure quality and uniformity. Trough enclosures to house and protect wires from water and corrosive elements in a number of applications. Custom electrical enclosures are designed and built to meet your unique and exact specifications.
3. Material
Choose aluminum, carbon steel, 304 stainless steel, or 316 stainless steel – built for indoors or out in any type of environment.
4. Features
Options include cutouts, holes, hinges latches, windows, vents and gaskets – all as individual as your enclosure. Enclosures can be branded with company colors, safety messages, or to blend in with your company environments.
5. Size
Height, width and depth, Nema Enclosures offers virtually any size you need. If it’s not one of our standard sizes, we’ll design and build an enclosure that meets your exact specification. It’s that easy.
Contact us today at 888.636.2269
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Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Other Component, Solar Components, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Electronic Enclosure Mountings, Mounts, Materials Handling
HQ Location
1118 Pleasantville Dr
Houston, Texas 77029, US
Electrical EnclosuresQuality Custom EnclosuresPowder CoatingSilk-ScreeStainless Steel EnclosuresNEMA-rated EnclosuresCustom Engraving