Nestled in between Ocean City and Sea Isle City lies the quiet town of Strathmere, NJ, home of The Deauville Inn. A year-round destination, The Deauville has recently undergone massive renovations under new ownership and management and it has transformed the sleepy little seaside restaurant into the premier waterfront destination down The Shore. With a menu concentrating on fresh, local seafood as well as fun and creative cocktails, The Deauville Inn has become a hot spot for beach goers and diners alike. The venue is truly unique with multiple experiences for our guests whether it's waterfront dining on the deck, cheering on your team in the pub, tying your boat up to our docks, enjoying a rum bucket on our beach, or having a candlelit dinner in our dining room, there is something for everyone.
Originally built in 1881 as The Whelan Hotel, the property has a rich history of transformation. Formerly a hotel accommodating bootleggers, politicians and celebrities alike, the small town of Strathmere grew in the 1920's into a 'no-rules' getaway. Continuing this tradition through the 70s and 80s, the venue built a reputation for its raucous events in the summer as people flocked down to their vacation homes.
Fast forward to 2019, a new Innkeeper stepped into the fold, Dr. Tim Fox. A Strathmere resident for over 20 years, Dr. Fox had a vision to restore The Deauville to its former glory. In 2 short years with the assistance of his VPO Adam Modder, the venue has once again become a destination for the masses.
We invite everyone to come enjoy all The Deauville has to offer.