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About Arnór Theodórsson
Arnór Theodórsson is Product Owner at Sýn in Suðurlandsbraut
Reykjavík, Capital Region, IS. Previously worked at Vodafone Iceland as Head Of Product Development. Sýn is a Telecommunications company in Suðurlandsbraut
Reykjavík, Capital Region, IS with 86 employees
Arnór Theodórsson Social
Arnór Theodórsson Work
Arnór Theodórsson is the Product Owner @Sýn, with experience in Head Of Product Development, Product Manager @Vodafone Iceland
Sýn is a merged company of Vodafone Iceland and the former 365 media. A Vodafone Group branded partner since 2005. Approximately 600 employees. Total telecommunication provider to 51 of the top 100 companies in Iceland. Subsidiary in the Faroe Islands with 25-30% market share. The company has monthly subscriptions with over 100 thousand clients, 63 thousand TV subscriptions each month. A key player in production and purchase of Icelandic TV productions. Channel 2 (Stöð 2) is the flag ship in Sýn media department and has played strong role in society for decades with it´s own news agency and extensive line up of international and local sports rights. A leading radio platform with still growing highest ratings in Iceland and Ví – won a prize being the best online content and news provider in 2017 with 200 thousand daily visits.
Sýn er nýtt heiti á sameinuðu félagi Vodafone og 365 miðla. Við trúum á mikilvægi sköpunar og þróunar og ætlum að vera leiðtogar í að skapa framtíð snjallra fjarskiptalausna og fjölmiðlunar í gegnum breiða starfsemi sterkra vörumerkja.