Stablished in late-2006, Fidentiis Gestion SGIIC SA (formerly Siitnedif) is a Fund Management Company incorporated in Spain, regulated by the CNMV (Spanish regulator) and authorized as Invesment Manager by the CSSF (Luxembourgish regulator). Fidentiis Gestion launched one of the first regulated hedge funds domiciled in Spain in March 2007. It is a specialist on the iberia equities world and its funds tend to offer risk-adjusted returns. As a result of a more global markets and investors willingness to invest in a more globally diversified portfolio, Jorge Nuño, an expert and highly reputable macro manager, joined us from Liberbank and launched the global strategy fund. A multi asset absolute return strategy focused in The USA and Europe and a top down approach to Investment. In March 2016 we launched the L/S Iberian Fund in Luxembourg a replica of our first fund to be able to give access to international investors.