EmanciCare is a Medicare Certified provider of healthcare services covering the spectrum of consumer needs. EmanciCare’s name is derived with meaningful reference to the word "Emancipate," which means to liberate. Our mission is to liberate individuals and families from physical health, mental health and emotional health limitations that may be preventing them from maintaining their existing lifestyle in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their own home.
We specialize in providing a wide range of services so we are able to form a holistic plan of care that can meet each consumer’s needs, no matter what they are, at any time. From peer-level companionship for social interaction to skilled medical care administered by a registered nurse, we can help with virtually any situation, with a strong emphasis on the well-being of each consumer every step of the way. Specialties range from adult home care and elder care and pediatric and newborn care to disabled care and more.