The Universal Legends logo is a symbolic representation of the overall mission of Universal Legends among the culturally diverse nature of entertainment yet unifying the elements under one movement (the language of the entertainment). The Arts/Entertainment is a Universal language that any cultural, religious or educational background can understand. It’s a way for people from across the globe to speak to each other and express themselves freely, which is a powerful tool to develop understanding and tolerance for all mankind.
The base and headquarters of our operation (Middle East) is represented by the Pan Arab Color scheme of red, white and black.
The logo incorporates all primary elements of entertainment, music, film, dance, fine art, to even the technical aspects such as the studio and post production. This signifies our goal and objective, speaking to the world.z
STRATEGY, Directing a Network of Businesses and Individuals, Armed with modern management techniques to achieve everyone’s set ambition.
GOAL, To remain leaders and trend setters in the field of entertainment and business support using Universal Legends 3D strategy,
A 3D Strategy is where UL Team meets the client needs with professional execution skills and outstanding communication directed and managed by Business owners to achieve the clients Goal.
Our Services:
Models & Cast
Marketing & Advertising
Events & Public Relations
Artist Management & Image Salvation
Service Solutions