Herne Katha is a web documentary series which tells the tales of the extraordinary lives of ordinary people and communities in Nepal.
With over 1 million followers and 80 million views over 5 years, the stories from Herne Katha have managed to bring together people from all walks of life, within Nepal and globally.
A new episode is released every 15 days.
Herne Katha is now available on your favorite podcast platform as an audio story. Listen: https://anchor.fm/sunnehernekatha
Our monthly newsletter is a letter from Herne Katha Co-Founder and Presenter Bidhya Chapagain to you.
Subscribe: https://hernekatha.com/newsletter-signup/
Kathaka Kura: Conversations on Stories
Each month, Herne Katha Team visits universities and college campus in Nepal to share our journey as well as learn from the younger generation.
Connect with us: https://hernekatha.com/educators/