iCON Communications is a premier broadband Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Armenia, focusing on the highest technical performance and customer service. iCON aims to unleash the creative and economic potential fueled by the recent rise in living standards and growing consumer confidence in Armenia. Established in late 2007, iCON launched high-quality Internet services covering three large districts of Yerevan (Kentron, Arabkir and Ajapnyak) in March 2009, and plans to have service available in all districts of Yerevan by the end of 2009.
Corporate philosophy:
iCON’s objective is to bring global standards in customer service, technical performance and competitive pricing to the Internet services market in Armenia.
Vision Statement:
To become the premier provider of broadband Internet, VPN and VoIP services in Armenia
Mission Statement:
iCON will establish the new standard for access, performance and customer service in Armenia by delivering fast, reliable, and affordable Internet-based services.
Our Core Values
innovation to drive and sustain technology and market leadership
Commitment to customers, employees, society and financial performance
Operational agility, excellence and responsiveness to market dynamics
Nurture and respect business ethics while competing through exceptional service