Antonio Marcos Collado
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10000+ Employees
Tragsa Group is a group of public companies, integrated in the State Industrial Ownership Corporation (SEPI), which has become a full service supplier and a reference company to Public Administrations. It is formed by four enterprises: Tragsa (1977) responsible for works and services' execution and Tragsatec (1989) which performs engineering works and technical assistance for every sections of the Group. By these companies, the Group is able to take part in every stage of any project, from its conception and design to its execution. 40 years of experience working for Public Administrations and at the service of society, have settle this business group at the front line of the various fields where it intervenes, from agricultural, forest, livestock and rural development services to environmental conservation and protection. Tragsa Group is represented in all the national territory, what makes it possible to give a quick and efficient response to any request that may be done from the central, autonomic and local administrations. Moreover, our collaboration in more than 120 projects of Spanish cooperation – in over 35 different countries of Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Europe and the Middle East – has given the company international importance. In every field of activity, the differentiating factor of the Group stands in its proved experience, its capacity to give a fast-response and adapt its work to Administration’s needs, and its high I+D+I profile, what makes the group able to provide leading edge technology and the highest quality services
Year Founded
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Environmental Services
HQ Location
C/ Maldonado 58 Madrid, 28006, ES
Desarrollo RuralMedio AmbienteAguaEmergenciasServicios y Explotaciones AgropecuariasSanidadSalud y Seguridad AlimentariaEstudiosApoyo Técnico y Consultoríaand I+D+i
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