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About Antonio D'Addio
Antonio D'Addio is Project Manager at Kelyon in Via Benedetto Brin, 59
Napoli, Campania 80142, IT. Previously worked at Kelyon as Software Developer. Kelyon is a Medical Equipment Manufacturing company in Via Benedetto Brin, 59
Napoli, Campania 80142, IT with 13 employees
Antonio D'Addio Social
Antonio D'Addio Work
Antonio D'Addio is the Project Manager @Kelyon, with experience in Software Developer, Software Developer @Kelyon, Accenture
Kelyon is a company specialized and certified in the design and development of eHealth Solutions and Software Medical Devices (SaMD).
Leveraging on the highly specialized and multifaceted expertise of our team, we provide digital solutions for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients suffering from chronic and complex diseases, teaming up with healthcare organizations, pharma companies, research organizations, medical-scientific and patient associations.
We also provide a comprehensive range of services both for the development phase of eHealth solutions, which can be customized according to specific client needs, and in the roll-out and post-release phase, assisting in their actual implementation and in monitoring their performance over time.
We help shape the future of healthcare, striving towards a truly patient-centered care approach and firmly believing that research and innovation are the engine of the medical and clinical process revolution.