Founded in 1967, BARBRI is the leading provider of US bar exam preparation, helping over 1.4 million learners worldwide pass the bar.
As we expand our ongoing commitment to lifetime legal education — and help our students and partners navigate the ever-shifting complexities of the legal education landscape — our learner-centric mission and core pillars never waiver.
BARBRI delivers exceptional outcomes rooted in learning science through trusted content, innovative technology, and data-driven insights + solutions
BARBRI's mission is to empower every step of the legal learning journey by delivering the only continuum of product offerings that support teaching and enable student success. Our values embody and embrace:
Law school student resources1L/2L/3L study aids and exam review toolsBar review courseMPRE review courseLaw PreviewACEDSACFCSInternational Bar ReviewCybint Solutionslegal educatio