Brand Manual is a service design and branding consultancy founded in Tallinn back in 2009. We research and create a better user experience, new services, concepts, driving and implementing innovation into your organisation.
What's our secret sauce?
Design is a problem solving skill - we are specialists in critical, strategic and systems thinking. Our solutions are not based on hunches but on solid processes and decades of experience.
Trust the process - over the years we have tried and tested various design methods and subsequently developed a tool kit, that works. Proven methods that can help untangle even the most wicked problems, that meet the needs of our VUCA world.
Experience from all industries - our focus has always been on delivering a better experience to the end-user. As a consequence we have put our methods and skills to the test in industries as varied as brewing to medicine to entertainment to manufacturing. We’ve even been awarded with the global service design award for our work.