Foodle is your personal food advisor and waiter abroad. It will help you find a restaurant, understand its menu and make an order in Chinese, French, Arabic or any other language you don't speak.
Unlike Foursquare, Yelp or Foodspotting that help users find a place to eat, Foodle caters specifically for foreigners to ensure they are properly understood and served on the spot.
We believe that public services should be equally available to everyone disregarding the language they speak, but they are not. Foreign guests often face language barriers that impair their experience. English language should be a solution, but it is still not for 2 out of 3 Europeans that don't speak it, as well for
millions of visitors from China and other developing countries. With over a billion international tourists in 2013 and over 280 millions monthly TripAdvisor visitors, international travelers are a valuable yet underserved share of restaurant-goers. People love using their native language, and we let them do just that by making
different restaurants’ menus available in multiple languages. It is a single app that makes you understand what you are about to eat, and order it with a couple of clicks.
To achieve that we gather menus both from restaurants and users, translate them and display in the app for free. Being the all-menus-in-one-place service, we count on generating revenues from paid analytics (most popular meals in the menu/in the city, place's actual and would-be clients behavior, etc.) and Foursquare-like advertisement.
You can check us out at