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Work Experience
Aug 2000 - Present · 24 years and 4 months
Company Details
Hydrotec is a consulting firm focusing on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of water resources systems and environmental issues as well as data ascertainment, planning of water resources management projects, project management, public relations and the development and marketing of water resources management software. Our clients are federal or state ministries, state agencies, public water authorities and water boards, district and local administrations as well as expert offices from all over Germany and the neighboring European countries. Our services at a glance: • Hydraulics and Hydrology • River Basin Management • Flood Protection • Environmental Informatics, Geographical Information Systems, Database Systems Hydrotec develops and distributes complex and powerful simulation models and software tools. With many years of experience in the use of geographical information systems and data base systems we have evolved into experts in the application of these tools to the disci-pline of water resources management. Founded in 1981 Hydrotec today has about 55 employees in its two offices at Aachen and Essen. The Hydrotec team includes highly qualified civil engineers, geographers, physicists, biologists, mathematicians and computer scientists. The wide range of knowledge facilitates interdisciplinary work and is frequently complemented by partnerships with other consulting firms. Hydrotec is a company that takes on trainees. Technical personnel for graphic design, cartography and reporting complete our team.
Year Founded
Social Media
Environmental Services, Flood control and soil conservation consultants, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment, Water pollution consultants, Soil pollution consultants, Drainage, sewerage and trade effluent consultants, Umwelt-Informationssysteme, Simulationssoftware, Ingenieurbüros
HQ Location
Bachstraße 64 Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 52066, DE
HochwasserschutzStarkregenvorsorgeHydronumerische ModellierungHydrologieInformationssystemeSoftwarelösungen für die WasserwirtschaftHochwasserrisikomanagementHydrologische ModellierungKlimaanpassungskonzepteand Webentwicklung
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