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About Anne Dewvall
Anne Dewvall has 2 current jobs including President & Ceo at Kansas Global Trade Services, Inc. in Derby, Kansas, United States, Copywriter & Marketing Strategist at Anne Dewvall. Previously worked at Kansas Global Trade Services, Inc. as Associate Vice President. Kansas Global Trade Services, Inc. is a International Trade and Development company in 753 N Woodrow Ave
Wichita, Kansas 67203, US with 2 employees
Kansas Global is a full service, non-profit trade consulting firm dedicated to helping Kansas businesses grow in a global economy. Since 1994, Kansas Global’s education, communication and research services have helped our clients generate millions in international sales.
At Kansas Global, we believe that every company should be looking globally for its next sale. Exports are an important part of an economic development strategy, bringing in outside capital, and helping local businesses expand to create more jobs.
Our vision at Kansas Global is to raise export effectiveness by connecting communities and companies to export assistance.
Exports = Sales Exports = Diversification
*New dollars to our communities
*Exporting companies pay higher wages
*Exports make up 17% of Kansas Economy
*95% of world’s population lives outside US
*Smaller companies generate about 25% of state’s exports
*Exports help businesses weather regional economic fluctuations
*Every $1 billion in exports supports about 6,000 jobs