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About Anna Warwick Sears
Anna Warwick Sears has 2 current jobs including Executive Director at Okanagan Basin Water Board in 1450 KLO Rd.
Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4, CA, Board Member at International Osoyoos Lake Board of Control. Previously worked at Okanagan Basin Water Board as Water Stewardship Director. Okanagan Basin Water Board is a Government Relations Services company in 1450 KLO Rd.
Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4, CA with 12 employees
The Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB) was instituted in 1970 as a collaboration of the three Okanagan regional districts to provide leadership on valley-wide water issues.
Advised by an innovative cross-disciplinary Council, the Board delivers programs and activities to promote coordinated water management throughout the basin.
The Board’s jurisdiction is defined by the borders of the Okanagan watershed, or basin, rather than by political boundaries.
The basin is almost 200 km long and 8,000 km2 in area. It is a narrow strip stretching from the City of Armstrong in the north to Osoyoos in the south and the Canada-U.S. border. It includes six main lakes – Okanagan, Kalamalka, Wood, Skaha, Vaseux and Osoyoos – and surrounding mountains.
“Our vision is to have a fully-integrated water system, meeting the needs of residents and agriculture while supporting wildlife and natural areas.”
OBWB activities include:
*Basin-wide programs for watermilfoil control, wastewater infrastructure funding, and water research and management – benefiting all Okanagan residents.
*Advocating and representing local needs to senior government planners and policy makers – protecting Okanagan interests.
*Providing science-based information on Okanagan water to local government decision makers and water managers – for sustainable long-term planning.
*Communicating and coordinating between government, non-government, universities, businesses and the public – increasing the effectiveness of water initiatives.
*Building funding opportunities by providing leverage grants, securing external dollars and identifying cost-sharing partners – expanding local capacity.
Okanagan WaterWise ( is an education and outreach initiative of the Okanagan Basin Water Board. Okanagan WaterWise is committed to the protection and conservation of the Okanagan's most valuable natural resource: water. As residents of the Okanagan, we are all part of... One Valley. One Water.