Leapros | Linking Employers and Professionals™ | 866-920-LEAP (5327) | leapros.com
Our specialized recruiting teams provide executive search, contract placement, and direct-hire recruiting services. A deep understanding of specific disciplines enables our team to deliver thoughtful matches in skilled trades, accounting and finance, human resources, Information Technology, supply chain, and operations.
At LEAPROS™, we are committed to conducting business in a non-discriminatory manner and operating in strict compliance with applicable federal and state laws pertaining to Equal Employment Opportunity. This commitment enhances our ability to conduct business with the highest level of integrity, solidifying our position as the most trusted workforce solutions partner. To learn more about LEAPROS™ or to speak with one of our recruitment partners, call 866-920-LEAP or visit our website at www.leapros.com. So, whether you are a talented professional or a company looking for a talented professional, we welcome you to take a leap with us!