Urban Strategies was founded to connect, resource, and equip faith and community-based organizations to serve children and families in need. Since 2003, we have facilitated more than $150 million of programming to support transformational work at a community level. We have a national network of over 2,000 community-based partner organizations that have an earned history of trust within the communities they serve. By catalyzing our field partners, we reach further and transform more effectively than we could ever do alone.
Urban Strategies is a social enterprise that:
• Understands the challenges of marginalized families and the organizations serving them
• Coordinates extensive partnerships with an emphasis on serving Hispanic communities
• Works with Latino-serving organizations throughout the United States and Central America to mobilize transformation in hard-to-reach communities
• Provides program design, development, and evaluation
• Facilitates management, training and technical assistance
We focus on a broad range of issues including parent engagement, responsible fatherhood and family strengthening, early childhood education, health and well-being, human trafficking, residential care services, youth and workforce development. The common thread among these areas of services are that they are best delivered in a culturally-relevant manner through long-term engagement by those who are from the same context and embedded in the community.