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About Anna Camilleri
Anna Camilleri is Programme Manager, Migration Exchange at Global Dialogue in London Area, United Kingdom. Previously worked at Elrha as Communications Officer. Global Dialogue is a Non-profit Organizations company in undefined with 12 employees
Anna Camilleri Social
Anna Camilleri Work
Anna Camilleri is the Programme Manager, Migration Exchange @Global Dialogue, with experience in Communications Officer @Elrha
Global Dialogue enables independent funders to work together to realise ambitious goals and create lasting change. We are a platform for philanthropic partnership, assisting donors to develop shared strategies, test new approaches, and deliver impact by aligning grants or pooling funds.
We host donor networks, manage funder collaboratives, and house pooled funds for both UK and international causes. Our current hosting portfolio includes Ariadne, the network of European funders of social change and human rights; FICS, the Funders Initiative for Civil Society; the International Education Funders Group (IEFG), Migration Exchange, and Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP).
We incubate influential, award-winning civil society organisations in the UK. Our former projects include incubating IMIX, the communications hub for the refugee and migrant sector; and Rightslnfo, (now EachOther) a digital space for human rights.
We assist funders with expert project management capacity, enabling them to scope a field, test a new approach or develop new partnerships; and we regrant to support charitable causes worldwide on behalf of our funders, our hosted programmes and special initiatives.
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