Ann Marie Sullivan
Ceo/Founder at Spectrum Works,
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Work Experience
2011 - Present · 13 years and 11 months
Company Details
2-10 Employees
Spectrum Works is a unique New Jersey nonprofit that creates job opportunities for autistic individuals by building inclusive workforces at companies. At Spectrum Works, we believe that autistic adults can be integrated into the workforce through education and opportunity. Over the past ten years, we have built a noteworthy reputation for • Successfully training autistic individuals for meaningful employment • Implementing sustainable and scalable employment programs at companies • Helping schools provide job training/transition programs • Raising awareness that autistic people can be valuable productive employees Spectrum Works has pioneered a scalable program that can be fitted to companies to start their integration of people with disabilities into their workforce. We directly assist high schools and colleges with the transition of people with disabilities into the workforce to decrease the dismal 85% unemployment rate for autistic individuals. Our vision is to change society’s perception of how corporations can seamlessly employ and integrate autistic people into their workplace, ultimately creating a more integrated, diverse, and inclusive workforce. Join us and be a part of the solution.
Year Founded
Social Media
Non-profit Organizations, Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Custom Manufacturing & Fabricating, Apparel, Clothing & Garment Screen Printing Services, Bottle Silk Screen Printing Services, Advertising Specialty Screen Printing, Pad Transfer Printing Services, Printing & Marking Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services
HQ Location
565 Windsor Dr. Secaucus, New Jersey 07094, US
AutismWorkforce DevelopmentInclusioDiversityAwarenesscharityonprofitdevelopmental disabilitytraining and employmentprinted apparel
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