More than an agency. A school of thought.
We are a team born of the recognition that marketing is the intersection of Art and War. We believe too many have forgotten we are all born creative and triumph in business demands not only our grit but also our inspiration and passion. Likewise, we must acknowledge brands are playing to win and market share will not be freely given. It must be claimed.
Marketing is not invitation. It is alignment.
We believe as Sun Tzu taught, that the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting– to win first and forever in the heart and mind. For this reason, our process begins by creating clarity around your brand. Why does your brand exist and what does it stand for? To what extent do those ideas live within the way your brand currently communicates? A brand that resonates with power and clarity draws a line in the sand and demands we make a choice.
Strategy first. Then tactics.
Sun Tzu also taught the victorious warriors win first and then go to war. This requires looking closely at the big picture and deciding, first, what it means to be victorious. We identify how success is measured in the shore and long term. We van then forge a path that keeps the ultimate victory in mind at every step along the way. It will require patience and discipline to wage our campaign but we can go forward without fear because we will know we are heading in the right direction.
Awakening the artist within.
We believe in the joy that comes through pure creation and we fulfill our purpose by helping others find the same. We just happen to believe marketing is a compelling means to that end. We practice our craft with skill and purpose and laughter. If our approach resonates with you, or even intrigues you, we'd love to talk about planning your victory.