The Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC Foundation (FPF) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-for-profit organisation registered as a public charity in the USA with EIN #: 88-3446909. The organization is also incorporated as a non-for-profit organisation in Uganda with the RN 8002003766450, and also registered with the National Bureau for NGOs with RN 7276 and an operation permit # 8655.
The Foundation was established as a sustainability measure for the Pharm-Bio Technology and Traditional Medicine Center (PHARMBIOTRAC) which is an Africa Higher Education Center of Excellence (ACEII) at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda.
The goal of FPF is therefore "to leverage resources to support and advance the mission and vision of PHARMBIOTRAC, which is “To build a critical mass of specialized and skilled human resource that can advance traditional medicine and Pharm-Biotechnology for socio-economic development of Africa.
Vision of FPF is to sustainably support the operations of PHARMBIOTRAC,
Mission of FPF is to:
•Facilitate, mobilize, and secure funding and research collaboration opportunities for academic scholarships, student and faculty fellowships, exchange programs, internships and career development/advancement with likeminded individuals/professionals or institutions, nationally, regionally and internationally, outreach activities to disadvantaged communities innovation incubation of natural products, including exploring the use of indigenous knowledge and medicinal plants in Africa,
•Network and develop strategic partnerships with corporations, research entities, universities and philanthropists to advance the objectives of PHARMBIOTRAC,
•Help mobilize resources for establishing state-of-the-art laboratories and prototyping technology/facilities among other infrastructure development initiatives.
•Support PHARMBIOTRAC linkages with various organizations, foundations, philanthropists, and other interest groups.