We provide a whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing including:
One to one therapy for children, young people, parents and teachers
Group work - bereavement, friendship, anger, anxiety, mindfulness,
Listening Skills Training
Attachment and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experences on the Classroom
Understanding Grief & Loss in Children and Young People
Understanding and Managing Anxiety in a School Setting
Supervision for Senior Leaders and Safeguarding Leads
Sociograms - a peer to peer measure to identify vulnerable children
Babywatching Groups
Book of Beasties Groups
Assemblies themed around the brain, behaviour, kindness, gratitiude, transitions
Parent Workshops around listening, self-care, loss
Every school is unique as is its cohort. Therefore we aim to understand the needs of your whole school community and tailor a mental health provision to meet those needs.
mental healthsupervisionattachment trainingunderstanding grief and losstherapystaff wellbeingparental supportwhole school approach to emotional health and wellbeinganxietydepression