『 Digit Spark 』前身為『集客數據行銷』,創立於 2017 年,至今已邁入第 5 年,近年來正逐漸擴大轉型,協助亞洲企業在數位時代站穩市場腳步,建立完整的品牌生態圈,我們致力於運用數位科技整合數據理清商業脈絡,提供品牌更臻善的產業洞見以及商業解決方案。
"Digit Spark", formerly known as Inbound Asia, was founded in 2017. In recent years, it has been gradually expanding and transforming to help Asian companies stand firm in the market in the digital age and establish a complete brand ecosystem. We are committed to using digital technology to integrate data Sort out the business context and provide industry insights and business solutions for better brands.
Digit Spark: https://digitspark.co/