Founded in 1971 by Dr. Helen Denny Feuer, RN, Feuer Nursing Review was established to help student nurses acquire the confidence, knowledge and critical thinking skills essential to passing the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-LPN exams.
As Dr. Feuer was completing her Ph.D. in Nursing Education, it became apparent to her that many capable and intelligent nursing students were struggling to pass the state board of nursing exams. She realized that this was not because they did not know the material; rather nursing students did not know how to apply the nursing content when answering NCLEX style questions.
By combining her teaching experience and passion for nursing, Dr. Feuer created the original and foremost NCLEX-RN/LPN review course in the country in order to ensure that nursing students were well prepared to pass the NCLEX.
We specialize in preparing repeat test takers and international education nurses to successfully pass the NCLEX and attain their Nursing License.
Today the Feuer Nursing Review course is as successful as it is renowned and boasts an NCLEX pass rate of over 90%.