Kayfield Academy has set a new standard for preschool and child development programs. We believe
strongly in the value of new and varied experiences...the foundation of knowledge….in the development of
children. We do not believe that all children should be able to recite The Pledge of Allegiance by the
age of four (but are supremely impressed nonetheless). For each child who can recite the Pledge, there is
another who will swing from the Jungle Gym like an Olympic medalist, and still another who can
design a paper airplane in intricate detail and then soar it over your neighbor’s fence, and still another who can harmonize perfectly with the piano and remind you that two of the keys need tuning, and finally
another who can act out a perfect Juliet...and then show her brother how to do Romeo.
Our curriculum was professionally developed according to the standards established by NAEYC and will
provide your child with all of these opportunities in a unique facility designed specifically to support the
The curriculum blends indoor and outdoor education and recreation activities which will exercise all parts of the mind and body (and it really is“tons of fun”) with the aim of helping our children be the best and
brightest they can be… and pass those school entrance evaluations! Children may delve into all or just some of the activities. All of a sudden one particular activity will really interest them and they find that they are actually pretty good at it. Therein lies the value of experience...your neighbor complaining about the paper airplanes on his roof!